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Find Greatest number between two number


We are going to make a Mathematical Program using Scratch software, the name of the project is Multiplication of Two Numbers.

In which a Sprite is use for Multiply our Two given numbers, we can choose any sprite.

On stage, the sprite and three variables are display, we choose a cat sprite for this mathematical program, and make three variables.

  1. First Number.
  2. Second Number.

we programmed the Sprite cat as, when we click space key the sprite cat asked for the First Number (we give any number by typing numerical key) then pressed Enter kay. After pressing Enter Key the Sprite asked for the Second Number (we give any Number by typing the numerical key) then we pressed Enter. After giving Second Number or pressing Enter key, the Sprite Cat wait for a second and say (the Multiplication of your two numbers is ….) and say Multiply of two number.

This is very interesting, lets start making this (Multiplication ✖ of two Numbers).

Program code for Finding Greatest Number Between Two Numbers.


Working of this Scratch


After Completing the Program for “Finding the Greatest number between two Numbers”, now checking the working of this Scratch.

  • Before Clicking any kay, both of the variables are initially zero

  • After Click on Space key to start the This Scratch.
  • The Sprite Cat ask For the First Number.
  • Please, give any Number then Pressed Enter
  • After Enter First Number and Pressed on Enter
  • Then the Sprite Cat ask for the Second Number.

  • Please, give any Number then Pressed Enter
  • After Enter Second Number and Pressed on Enter
  • Then the Sprite Cat wait for 1 Second. And the Sprite cat say (Which Number is Greater…) for 2 Second.

  • And say The Numbers.
  • And Stop all program.
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