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Lab at School

Contact us today for an immersive state of the art Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Lab.

Kurious is an ed-tech organization with an instructive STEAM-based environment that provides a broad learning module and puts the current school system at standard with the National Education Policy 2020 for students. The AI & Robotics Labs at School allow students to integrate inventive techniques into the day-to-day educational program.

Why do you need the AI & Robotics Labs?

Keeping at the top of the priority list the fourth modern upset additionally called industry 4.0, we expect to instill an ideal training setting where we enable young minds to improve and execute current ideas to make new ones. Our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths) Lab At School opens the road to an effective discovery that is past conventional course readings and rejuvenates theoretical learning. Our curriculum is planned by specialists and can be effectively perceived and utilized in real-life applications.

Why Us:

With multiple learning outcomes, we offer:

  • Up-to-date practices and techniques with expert mentors
  • Self-paced online learning portal for students
  • Simple and effective student assessments
  • Inventive learning process

What do we provide:

  • AI & Robotics Labs, and Robotics Clubs with multiple workstations, namely AI, Engineering, Coding, and Robotics.
  • Kits and equipment for the installation of the lab.
  • Expert trainers for student guidance.

How does this work?

Kurious makes an ideal advancement by establishing a groundwork of center logical ideas for youngsters to notice, question, and apply for themselves! We offer an insightfully organized lab climate with creative educational plans that are upheld with an idea, programming, and execution manuals and instructive videos for complete help. 

Instructions to get your Lab At School:

  • School Registration
  • Password Credentials
  • Lab Set up
  • Packs Delivery
  • Weekly Sessions
  • Technical support
  • Expert Trainers
  • Student Community building